Aspirations mapping and communicative ecologies
This strand of the Connect2Aspire toolkit has been designed to shed light on how young people develop and strengthen their career aspirations through social networking and communication practices. For young people, the workshop-based format is designed as a means to generate awareness around the importance of their social networks, communication practices and media access/production for both shaping and supporting (or hindering) the realisation of their career aspirations and pathways are developing. The workshop also brings into focus skills – both acknowledged and the ones gained through informal interest-based activities that young people may not be aware they’re possessing.
This section offers a blend of theoretical insights and lessons learnt on the field, from designing and running two very different workshops on communicative ecologies and aspirations: the first engaged young people with a migrant background, now living in Coventry; and the second was offered as a reflective practice exercise to doctoral researchers at the University of Bournemouth.

Working Paper #5. Aspirations mapping and communicative ecologies [PDF Download]
This part offers practical guidance and materials for designing and running a workshop as a means to:
- Shed light on relationships between young people’s life and career aspirations, interest-based activities and communication practices
- Map the role played by young people’s family and social circles in helping them crystallise and then take concrete steps to achieving their professional aspirations.
Downloadable materials include:
Workshop guide
Tips and ideas for running an aspirations mapping workshop that emphasises the role of social connections. [PDF download]
Personal aspirations board
A printable board with hotspots along which the facilitator guides the participants, clustered around three areas: Explore (focused on a self-analytical, reflective process); Envision (future-orientated formulation of career goals) and Connect (enacting the power of social connections) – Print in colour, A1 ideally or A2 size [PDF download]

Facilitation cards
Script and inspiration cards to be spread on the table and/or used by the facilitator to guide workshop interaction. – Print in colour, A4 size, double sided, to be cut to A5. Two versions are offered for download: Version 1 full colour [PDF download] | Version 2 white & borders [PDF download]

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